BIOTEX at trade fair – Tehran, Iran, the 23rd IRANTEX

After historical agreement between Iran and UN, Iranian textile industries have started to grow up very fast in order to be accepted in Global market. After years , modernization in production lines and update Methods for them is necessary so IRANTEX fair will be the best location for your introducing and new contacts.
We are truly grateful to all our partners who have given importance to our work by spending part of their time in our booth. The textile finishing is a way through which the individuality of each of us can create a great value and we are proud to support your success being your partners in the realization of your insights


  • Bioguard C8 and C6 Series: Water & Oil  Repellency Technology based on Strong Flouro-Monomers / Fluorocarbon
  • Bioguard Zero: Flourine-Free Water Repellency, Zero Fluoro and PFOA content
  • Durapret Series:  Easy Care Resins A range of high purity
  • ​G​lyoxal ​R​esins with high reactivity, from zero to medium free formaldehyde content
  • Outstanding Hydrophilic silicone softeners