BIOTEX Technical Innovation Summit in Pakistan 2nd and 10th of May 2017

a new record
Lahore: 157 participants*
Faisalabad: 137 participants*

As per our tradition​, ​we believe that strong partnership with local experts can create the right synergism which can generate the best value for our customers. By presenting our strength and vision holding two “​C​ustomer ​T​echnical Innovation Summits ” in Punj​a​b area in Pakistan on 2nd and 10th of May. The active participation and warm welcome to our new innovations has increased our level of commitment to deliver value for our customers through innovation, service and consulting support.


  • Bioguard C8 and C6 Series: Water & Oil  Repellency Technology based on Strong Flouro-Monomers
  • Bioguard Zero: Flourine-Free Water Repellency , Zero Fluoro and PFOA content
  • Durapret Series:  Easy Care Resins A range of high purity
  • ​G​lyoxal ​R​esins with high reactivity, from zero to medium free formaldehyde contents

To all who attended BIOTEX Technical Innovation Summit…Thank you!

BIOTEX Customer Summit could not have been the incredible success it was without you! We hope you had an amazing experience at the event and found this year’s Summit informative, educational and inspiring.  For our other Partners in the World, if you wish to have also a Summit in your countries like Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Brazil, please contact us.

*professional textile experts and customers